
Sabtu, 05 Januari 2008

Tips Writes a Blog

if you interested to make blog following tips when writing blog.

Determines, does you write for yourself or in reading others? Very possibly when you has just written, you will feel not give a dam does blog you in reading others or no. But practically , gets feedback or comment to will which must write enough assisting boosts up motivation to make blog.

Does step by step causing becomes a habit. Better , provided time or schedule to write blog for example every how much/many day once or one week once and looks for interesting topic any kind of in posting. For treatment problem of web or rejuvenation of expurgation / addition of matter / article web depended from article stuffing blog which we are create. I suggest to look for light article a period of change of article is not too dynamic or quickly statute bared. Of routine us and schedule in managing our blog.

Writes with structure, explains and informative. But , you are not necessarily be obsession is abundant that you article must good . excess from format blog from web site opening is can edit article whenever you will.

Informs friend and family that you has owned blog. Inserts address blog you in part of signature , precisely below(under name of you each time sends e-mail.
When reading blog others, departs from comment in posting they and doesn't forget leaving address blog you. Very possibly , they also will click and visits blog you.

In writing blog, thus your own , doesn't fear opinion to and lays open opinion . Blog is not formal media, one of excess of blog is personality and character of the blogger at the opposite of blog. Lets this character emerges in blog you. More and more open and more and more honestly contents of article a blog, usually would increasingly draws attention people. Not necessarily write with method EYD which standard. In your own blog, you will.
Merciful in giving link to blog or other website in Internet. Each time you calls name of someone or place name or name of other blog, accustoms for me-link the word to formal website or the other blog. This will add properties of the information in your blog.

Frees sense or you humor when writing blog and hafe fun! Doesn't assume writes blog is pressure obliging article in our blog are implementation, writes according to you desire and focused to topic which you lifts.

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